Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Lesson in British English

Today we visited Eton and Windsor Castle, the Queen's primary residence. I have plenty of facts and pictures, but as the last post was so long, I think I'll give you a short one and post pictures of Windsor at a later date.

Here is a quick lesson in British English vocabulary, which I'm sure will sprinkle future posts.

gobsmacked--shocked, flabbergasted. Ex.: "I was rather gobsmacked when I found out Windsor Castle isn't insured!"
motorway--highway or freeway.
whacking great--really, really awesome. In some cases, really, really big. Ex.: "What a whacking great castle!"
to take away--to go. Ex.: "Could I have a vanilla latte to take away?"
car park--parking lot.
H.M.Q.--Her Majesty the Queen.

And my personal favorite...
going on the pull--going out with the intention of finding a romantic interest. In American English, picking up chicks/guys. Ex.: "Ella is really going on the pull tonight!" or "Jeanne likes pulling at Trafalgar, her favorite pub."

I'm going to bring that one back to the States for SURE.

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