I know it's been a while since I last posted, but I've been so BUSY! Classes are really hitting a high point this week and last. Who knew study abroad classes would be this time consuming? Not that I'm complaining. I'm in LONDON, after all.
I can't believe I only have 10 more days in this program. I have about 2 weeks more to explore the UK when it's over, but man, I'm gonna miss these people. It might sound trite, but we've been through a lot together! Navigating London, making day trip plans, experiencing pub culture, attempting to understand British English (and British menus, and British men)... We were thrown into this intense, stressful, emotional situation together and became a family. It's been a beautiful 6 weeks, and I'm gonna miss every last one of you.
Another thing that made me misty-eyed since the last time I updated you? The final Harry Potter film. Tears actually streamed down my face 6 separate times. I know everyone has said this, but part of me feels like my childhood has completed. When Professor McGonagall and the others began putting charms and spells on Hogwarts to protect it in the battle... The tears began. It sounds silly, but in a way, Hogwarts feels like my home too. Like any well-written novel I've read, I became attached to the characters and attuned to their intricacies, their worries, their flaws, their triumphs. I literally grew up with Harry Potter, practically the same age as he was with each book and film that came out, and his world became a part of mine. Now that both the books and films have ended, and I don't have more of Harry's story to look forward to, I feel like I've parted with a piece of myself.
I guess it doesn't help that I'm becoming a senior this year, and I'm going to have an internship and be looking into grad school and real career-related jobs soon... It all feels like it's moving so fast. There are many childish things I'll have to give up soon, and many more responsibilities I'll have to take up in their place. Forgive me for wanting to delay.
But, I'll have to say, seeing Harry Potter in London was priceless. Everyone cried, laughed, and clapped at all the right moments, like we were watching a live show. But I know this would've happened in America too. It was just special to watch it amongst the British, laugh with them, connect with them over this extremely touching saga set on their turf. (Oh, and it was neat to recognize some of the scenery too.)
I must sign off here for now, but my next posts will include: my personal review of the 8 London museums I have attended, an account of my day trip to Brighton, and my travel plans for after the program.
Until then... Keep your head up, Harry Potter fans. Michael Martinez of CNN said it best: "And though they are no longer budding wizards with broken glasses, bushy hair and dirty noses, the fans take comfort in knowing Potter will never be gone, not as long as those who remain are loyal to him."
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